Cezara Kolesnik Artworks

Tree of melancholy - 80x80 cm - 2009

Trees of life

Tree of happiness - 80x80 cm - 2006
Tree of joy

oil on canvas 80×80 cm

Tree of hope - 80x80 cm - 2006
Tree of expectation

oil on canvas 80×80 cm

Tree of friendship - 70x80 cm - 2009
Tree of friendship

oil on canvas 80×80 cm

Tree of melancholy - 80x80 cm - 2009
Tree of melancholia

oil on canvas 80×80 cm

Tree of patience - 80x80 cm - 2009
Tree of patience

oil on canvas 80×80 cm

Tree of hope - 80x80 cm - 2009
Tree of expectation (II)

oil on canvas 80×80 cm

The mystic tree - 2011
The mystical tree

oil on canvas 60×60 cm

Tree in winter - 2010
Winter tree

oil on canvas 60×60 cm